Samhain (pronounced sah-win) marks the day of the final harvest and is the beginning of the Celtic new year. On this day, the darkening days are welcomed, the dead are honored, and the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest.
We begin to prepare for the approaching winter. This is a time of introspection, turning inward, reflection, and making preparations. Samhain marks the start of a new year, so lots of divination is involved on this night as well.
Samhain is inherently magical with a rich history. And there are several other religious holidays around the same time that all lean towards the same themes.
Samhain is first and foremost a time to connect with the dead and our ancestors. Particularly our loved ones that crossed over to the Other Side within the last year. Establishing connection with those in the Spirit World is easiest at this time, as the veil is thin. This also gives us an opportunity to listen, and hear the guidance that is coming from the Spirit realm.
The most important aspect of a Samhain ceremony is the ancestors altar. Guests are welcome and encouraged to bring a photo of your loved ones who have passed over, as well as an offering (think their favorite drink, food, something they loved!).
Samhain is also a time of letting go, as the leaves on the trees begin falling to the Earth, becoming compost, we too are invited to release the unassimilated material that is no longer contributing positively to who it is we are becoming. Offering this shadow material to the Earth to become compost.
These ceremonies are deep and powerful, and their power is amplified when we come with a clear + pure intention to really connect and heal.
We will be creating our sacred altar dedicated to the ancestors. Working with an ancient priestess tool for Spirit connection. And ritually releasing any patterns/residue from the last year.
Ashley Smith is an initiated Sister of Avalon, Steward + Teacher of Cha Dao (Sacred Tea Ceremony), Psycho-Spiritual Mentor/Healer, owner of Pillar of Light Center for Transformational Soul Healing and a dedicated lover of all things deep, transformational, and in service of consciousness expansion.
Photo of loved ones in Spirit
Offering to them
An item that brings you strength/power
Dress in black
Bring a scarf/veil -optional
Warm layers as ceremony space sometimes gets chilly
Anything you need to lay down or be seated comfortably as we journey
RSVP Required. Tickets $65. NonRefundable/ NonTransferable.